Onè | Special Thanks

We are pleased to to acknowledge the generous support of the Bank of America Foundation, which has made this conference possible. We would also like to recognize the support of the Duke University Haiti Lab, the Mellon Foundation, the Duke Humanities Writ Large program, and the North Carolina Central University College of Liberal Arts.

Many people have contributed to making this conference a reality. We would like to acknowledge the invaluable assistance of: Eric Barstow, Chris Chia, Paul Corbett, Hannah Jacobs, Beth Perry, and the other great folks at the Franklin Humanities Institute. We would also like to thank our wonderful and inspiring colleagues at the Haiti Lab: Laurent Dubois, Deborah Jenson, and Jacques Pierre.

Further shout outs go to Ben Depp, Laura Eastwood, Laura Wagner, Rodrigo Bulamah, Mary Caton Lingold, Evanthia Canoutas, and Jonathan Katz.