Latest Past Events

The Emergent Generation of Indigenous Anthropologists: A Conversation with Fran Baniwa and Roldán Tumi

Hybrid: Amazon Lab and Zoom

(A tradução para o português está abaixo) Join us for a reflection on indigeneity and anthropology by two scholars who represent a vibrant new generation of Amazonian researchers. (in Portuguese and Spanish with simultaneous English translation) Hybrid: Registration required! Register for in-person event here (at Amazon Lab (Duke, Smith Warehouse, Bay 5), lunch provided) or[...]

Frames of Resistance: The Cinemas of Abya Yala

Amazon Lab 114 S Buchanan Blvd, Durham

Amalia Córdova. Smithsonian Institute. Supervisory Curator, World Cultures; Chair of Cultural Research and Education. Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. Director of Mother Tongue Film Series. Monday. Oct. 9., 3:00-4:00 p.m. Location: Amazon Lab, FHI, Smith Warehouse, Bay 5, Duke University Amalia Córdova is a filmmaker, curator and scholar specializing in Indigenous film. She is[...]

We Are Guardians – interactive lecture with the film’s directors

Amazon Lab 114 S Buchanan Blvd, Durham

WE ARE GUARDIANS. (A film directed by Edivan Guajajara / Mídia Índia, Chelsea Greene / One Forest, Rob Grobman, 2023, 82 min. In Portuguese, Tupi, and English, with English subtitles) Interactive lecture with WE ARE GUARDIANS directors (Edivan Guajajara, Chelsea Greene, Rob Grobman) and activist Puyr Tembé on Friday, September 29 at 12:00pm-1:30pm, at the[...]