Digital Archeology

ISIS 544L/CLST 544L/ARTHIST 544L : Digital Archeology

Maurizio Forte

Thurs 3:05-4:20PM, lab 4:40-5:55PM

Archaeology in the third millennium is strongly digital: from data recording to post-processing and immersive virtual reality, archaeologists produce large amount of digital data in different formats and platforms. It is a very multidisciplinary activity, which requires advanced skills in information and spatial technologies but it opens new research perspectives and creates new job profiles at international level. This is a lab-based course able to engage the students in several exciting activities: 3D recording my laser scanners and photogrammetry, remote sensing analysis, GIS (Geographical Information Systems), development of virtual reality applications and use of drones for archaeological surveys.

More in detail, the class will be engaged in the use of real archaeological data coming from the Roman Forum, the Etruscan city of Vulci (Italy), the Neolithic site of Çatalhöyük (Turkey), the sites of Akrotiri and Knossos-Gypsades in Greece.

A selection of students will be invited to attend the first archaeological excavation in the Etruscan and Roman city of Vulci (Italy).