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Event / Another World is Possible: poetry, performance, practice

December 2, 2018 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm UTC+0

(Dansk version længere nede)

Join us for this event that marks the last event of the year for CAMP’s focus! exhibition “Decolonizing Appearance.” Under the heading “Another World is Possible: poetry, performance and practice,” the event brings together a group of cultural practitioners, who in different ways imagine other presents and possible futures through decolonial practice and aesthetics.

As nationalism, racism, and xenophobia claim to be the ‘common sense’ of the global now, it is vital to continue to imagine other presents and possible futures. And to live in them with the right to appear. What is it to appear? It is first to claim the right to exist and to possess one’s body, whether in terms of enslavement, reproductive rights, or gender and sexual identity. To appear is to matter, in the sense of Black Lives Matter, to be grievable, to be a person that counts for something. And it is to be able to claim the right to look within that space. In appearing, I see you, and you see me, and a space is formed by that exchange, which, by consent, can be mediated into shareable and distributable forms.

Guest curator of the exhibition “Decolonizing Appearance,” Nicholas Mirzoeff, opens the event by unpacking these questions in his talk “Decolonizing the Space of Appearance.”

London-based artist Sonya Dyer will then present her new performance “Forward,” which contemplates how the abjected body can claim autonomy across the Mediterranean or across the galaxy.

After the lunch break, hosts of the radio program Ghetto Fitness, Kian and MJ, who give a voice to residents in the so-called ghettos in Denmark that we often hear about but rarely hear from, will take audiences through their street training program, messing with our notions of the ‘well-integrated’ and ‘poorly-integrated’ immigrant.

The event is concluded with the workshop “Naturalizations: Facial Politics and Decolonial Aesthetics” by artist and Duke professor Pedro Lasch. The workshop, which takes its starting point in the painted mural “Global Indianization / Indianización Global” that forms Lasch’s contributing to the exhibition, explores the epic growth of cultural and political power accomplished by the populations who have been accurately and mistakenly defined by the idea of the ‘Indian’ and the ‘Indigenous.’

The “Decolonizing Appearance” exhibition will be open for viewing during the closing event. The event is organized in collaboration with the The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Visual Arts: BFA, School of Conceptual and Contextual Practices, and Institute for Art, Writing and Research and is conducted in English (with simultaneous interpretation to Farsi and Arabic).

All are welcome. Free admission.


Welcome / by Frederikke Hansen & Tone Olaf Nielsen, CAMP’s founders

Decolonizing the Space of Appearance / talk by Nicholas Mirzoeff (Professor of Media, Culture and Communication, New York University)

Ghetto Fitness / intervention by Kian Sadeghi and Mukhtar ’MJ’ Afhakame (hosts of the Danish radio program Ghetto Fitness which gives a voice to the so-called ghettos in Denmark)

Lunch (suggested donation DKK 30)

Forward / performance by Sonya Dyer (artist, London)

Naturalizations: Facial Politics and Decolonial Aesthetics / workshop by Pedro Lasch (artist, Duke professor, 16 Beaver organizer, and FHI Social Practice Lab director)

Fitness break / with Ghetto Fitness

Concluding discussion / with Sonya Dyer, Kian and MJ, Pedro Lasch, and Nicholas Mirzoeff

Exhibition viewing


To read more about the exhibition, visit: http://campcph.org/current-and-upcoming/2192018

To read more about events and the education program accompanying the exhibition, visit: http://campcph.org/events/

The exhibition and its events are generously supported by Det Obelske Familiefond / Statens Kunstfond / Foreningen Roskilde Festival / European Cultural Foundation / Københavns Billedkunstudvalg / Beckett Fonden.


Head of Communication and Education Yannick Harrison, communication@campcph.org, (+45) 30 96 59 94 (cell), (+45) 72 14 07 66 (main)

Event photo: Sonya Dyer, “Forward” (2018). Digital image. Image courtesy of the artist



Velkommen til dette event, som er årets sidste led i CAMPs fokus! udstilling “At dekolonisere fremtræden”. Under overskriften “En anden verden er mulig: Poesi, performance og praksis” præsenterer eventet en gruppe kulturaktører, som på forskellig vis forestiller sig andre nutider og mulige fremtider gennem dekolonial praksis og æstetik.

I takt med at nationalisme, racisme og fremmedhad hævdes at være ‘sund fornuft’ i vor globale nutid er det afgørende at fortsætte med at forestille sig andre nutider og mulige fremtider. Og at leve i dem med retten til at fremtræde. Hvad vil det sige at fremtræde? Det er først og fremmest at kræve retten til at eksistere og at besidde ens krop, hvad enten det gælder slaveri, reproduktive rettigheder eller køn og seksuel identitet. At fremtræde er at tælle, ligesom Black Lives Matter, at være sorgbar, at være en person, der betyder noget. Og det er at kunne påberåbe sig retten til at se (ud) inden i dette rum. Når jeg fremtræder, ser jeg dig, og du ser mig, og der skabes et rum i denne udveksling, som – ved samtykke – kan forhandles til former, der kan deles og fordeles.

Nicholas Mirzoeff, som er gæstekurator af udstillingen “At dekolonisere fremtræden”, åbner eventet med at udfolde disse spørgsmål i sin forelæsning “Decolonizing the Space of Appearance.”

Derefter vil den i London bosatte kunstner Sonya Dyer opføre sin nye performance “Forward”, som undersøger, hvordan den abjekte krop kan påberåbe sig selvbestemmelse tværs over Middelhavet eller tværs over galaksen.

Efter frokostpausen vil Kian and MJ, som er værter på radioprogrammet Ghetto Fitness, tage publikum med på en work-out, der vender op og ned på vores forestillinger om den ‘velintegrerede’ og ‘dårligt integrerede’ indvandrer. Ghetto Fitness giver stemme til beboere i Danmarks såkaldte ghettoer, som vi ofte hører om, men sjældent hører fra.

Eventet afsluttes med workshoppen “Naturalizations: Facial Politics and Decolonial Aesthetics” af kunstner og Duke-professor Pedro Lasch. Workshoppen tager udgangspunkt i Laschs bidrag til udstillingen vægmaleriet “Global Indianization / Indianización Global” og undersøger den stærkt øgede kulturelle og politiske magt, som de befolkninger, der rammende eller fejlagtigt er blevet defineret af forestillingen om ‘indianeren’ og ‘den indfødte’, har opnået.

Udstillingen “At dekolonisere fremtræden” er åben under afslutningseventet. Eventet er organiseret i samarbejde med Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi, Billedkunstskolerne: BFA-skolen, Skolen for Konceptuelle og Kontekstuelle Praksisser samt Institut for Kunst, Skrift og Forskning og foregår på engelsk (med simultantolkning til farsi og arabisk).

Alle er velkomne. Gratis adgang.


13–13:15: Velkommen / ved Frederikke Hansen & Tone Olaf Nielsen CAMPs daglige ledere

13:15–13:45: Decolonizing the Space of Appearance / præsentation af Nicholas Mirzoeff

13:45–14:10:Ghetto Fitness / intervention af Kian Sadeghi og Mukhtar ’MJ’ Afhakame (værter på radioprogrammet Ghetto Fitness, som giver en stemme til ‘ghettoerne’ i Danmark)

14:10–14:40: Frokost (anbefalet donation 30 kr.)

14:40–15:10: Forward / performance af Sonya Dyer (kunstner, London)

15:10–16:10: Naturalizations: Facial Politics and Decolonial Aesthetics / workshop af Pedro Lasch (kunstner, Duke-professor, 16 Beaver organisator og direktør af FHI Social Practice Lab)

16:10–16:20: Fitness break / Ghetto Fitness

16:20–17: Afsluttende diskussion / med Sonya Dyer, Kian og MJ, Pedro Lasch og Nicholas Mirzoeff

17:-17:30: Mulighed for at se CAMP’s gruppeudstilling “Decolonizing Appearance”


Læs mere om udstillingen på: http://campcph.org/current-and-upcoming/2192018-j8hk5

Læs mere om de events og undervisningsprogram, der ledsager udstillingen på: http://campcph.org/events/

Udstillingen er realiseret med støtte fra Det Obelske Familiefond / Statens Kunstfond / Foreningen Roskilde Festival / European Cultural Foundation / Københavns Billedkunstudvalg / Beckett Fonden.


Kommunikations- og Uddannnelsesleder Yannick Harrison, communication@campcph.org, (+45) 30 96 59 94 (mobil), (+45) 72 14 07 66 (hovednr.)

Event foto: Sonya Dyer, “Forward” (2018). Digitalt billede. © Sonya Dyer


December 2, 2018
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm UTC+0


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