All Polit(t)ico projects are socially and aesthetically flexible to allow for a truly collaborative process within each research and production group in charge of creating it. As the title may imply, however, the Museum of…, is the most flexible and undetermined of them all. Taking as its point of departure the extraordinary objects in the collection of scientific and military history at the Museo di Palazzo Poggi, students will be inventing a new kind of museum that connects these objects with the ideas addressed by the Summer School, the current state of aesthetics and social movements, and issues of contemporary relevance at large. Fictional or speculative elements of this new museum will be presented in the form of visual simulations at the end of the 2017 Summer session. Real or physical components requiring more elaborate material production may be stretched over the full year, all to be completed and exhibited no later than Summer 2018.
Pedro Lasch & Bologna Social Practice Lab