Weekly Monster Prospect 4 Publication

The Weekly Monster
Pedro Lasch
Prospect New Orleans

The Weekly Monster began on November 8th, 2016. Taking the form of weekly black and white social media posts, special workshops, a gallery print edition, and posters displayed in public sites, the project collapses different aspects of the story of Frankenstein with contemporary world affairs. The original image-text pieces created by Lasch also serve as the starting point for others to produce their own monsters through public workshops, open calls, and direct invitation. Published on the occasion of Prospect.4: The Lotus in Spite of the Swamp, New Orleans, this special publication brings together all the weekly artworks and texts from the first year, as well as documentation of the installations and workshops produced in New Orleans. Additional texts include an introduction by Prospect.4 curator Trevor Schoonmaker, and a critical essay by Nicholas Mirzoeff.

Download the free ebook version here, or purchase a hard copy here.