Florian Malzacher

Florian Malzacher is a curator, writer, and dramaturg. His current projects include Training for the Future (with Jonas Staal). He was artistic director of Impulse Theater Festival in Cologne, Dusseldorf, and Mulheim/Ruhr (2013-2017), and co-curator of the multidisciplinary arts festival steirischer herbst in Graz/Austria (2006-2012). Among his numerous publications are “Truth is Concrete: A Handbook for Artistic Strategies in Real Politics” (2014, with steirischer herbst); “Not Just a Mirror: Looking for the Political Theatre of Today” (2015); “Empty Stages, Crowded Flats: Performativity as Curatorial Strategy” (2017, with Joanna Warsza). His book “The Art of Assembly: Political Theatre Today” was published in English in 2023. His books and essays have been translated into fifteen languages.

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