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From Yellow Vests to General Strike

Social Movements Lab (Smith Warehouse, Bay 5) 114 S Buchanan Blvd, Durham

The Yellow Vests movement has continued to descend into the streets of France each Saturday for over a year now.  Recently it has developed forms of convergence with other movements, most notably with the massive strikes over pensions and with the student strikes.  Francesco Brancaccio will join us from Paris to discuss the evolution of[...]

Yellow Vests Movement (gilets jaunes) – dialogue with Antonio Negri and Judith Revel – Feb 13

Social Movements Lab (Smith Warehouse, Bay 5) 114 S Buchanan Blvd, Durham

The Yellow Vests movement in France (gilets jaunes) began in November 2018 in response to the government raising taxes on gasoline.  Protests have taken place every Saturday since then in cities and towns throughout France.  The demands of protestors have expanded to include also the reinstatement of the “solidarity tax” on the very rich and[...]


The Yellow Vests Movement (gilets jaunes) – mapping session – Feb. 11

Social Movements Lab (Smith Warehouse, Bay 5) 114 S Buchanan Blvd, Durham

The Yellow Vests movement in France (gilets jaunes) began in November 2018 in response to the government raising taxes on gasoline.  Protests have taken place every Saturday since then in cities and towns throughout France.  The demands of protestors have expanded to include also the reinstatement of the “solidarity tax” on the very rich and[...]
