The Manuscript Migration Lab invites proposals for graduate student projects related to the theme “manuscript migration.” The Lab investigates the lives and afterlives of manuscripts-as-artifacts, with particular attention to the Rubenstein Library’s remarkable collections. Graduate Affiliates are active participants in the broader work of the Lab, conducting independent research, participating in Lab-sponsored workshops, symposia, and consultations. Affiliates also meet regularly to discuss progress, goals, and challenges. Selected proposals will receive $500 in research funding.
Deadline: September 30
To Apply: Please send a 500-word description of your proposed project to Lab Directors J. Andrew Armacost, Jennifer Knust, and William Johnson, indicating the collection that will serve as the focus of your work and Affiliated Faculty with whom you would like to collaborate.
Recipients will be announced by October 8. Research Grants and Graduate Affiliate Status are renewable (by application) for the duration of the Lab.