On March 9 – 10th, from 3:00 – 6:15 PM, the Universitet i Agder and “The Lying Pen of Scribes” will be hosting a virtual conference, “The Market for Biblical Antiquities, 1852 – 2022”. This event will try to shift away from provenance research which focuses on individual actors in the trade of religious artifacts–especially those in the Palestine/Israel region–towards conversations which analyze the networks of circulation and distribution. This innovative, interdisciplinary scholarly effort speaks clearly to MML commitments which value research that characterizes the structure of manuscripts movement from their places of worship, through these now-looked-into communities of trafficking, and into the hands of people whose stories with the cultural artifacts accumulate at the Rubenstein Library — an institution dedicated to preserving them. The Lab eagerly looks onto this conference with anticipation.
It’s especially looking forward to “Session 3” on March 10th, which will be moderated by Liv Ingeborg — a scholar the MML has had a collaborative relationship with in the past. Luckily enough, Dr. Roberta Mazza is also speaking in this session, giving a talk 3:40 PM called “A trade in relics”: Egyptology, Papyrology and Biblical Antiquities in Egypt (1882–1952)”. Click this link to browse through the Lab’s past events with Roberta Mazza. Read more about thee two-day virtual conference here. Register by emailing erika[dot]norheim[at]uia[dot]no.
Link, Website, Conference Description, Market for Biblical Antiquities, Uni of Agder: https://www.uia.no/arrangementer/the-market-for-biblical-antiquities-1852-2022.