Call for Proposals: NCCU to host Triangle Digital Humanities Institute, Oct 24-25, 2019

The Fall 2019 Triangle Digital Humanities Institute, #RepresentationMatters, will be hosted by the North Carolina Central University (October 24 – 25, Thursday – Friday). The (extended) deadline for proposals is September 14. Please view the full conference announcement with registration information at the Triangle Digital Humanities Network website.

TDHI 2019 will feature digital humanities workshops, unconference sessions, and opportunities for attendees to share their work with the network. The goal is to meet in person to promote digital and public humanities projects across North Carolina in an equitable fashion.

TDHI at NCCU invites individual or team proposals related to our theme, #RepresentationMatters.

Session types:

  1. WORKSHOP: Involve attendees in DH activity.
  2. SHOWCASE: Share a DH project or findings from a DH study.
  3. OTHER: You have an idea that doesn’t fit either category. Explain! Creative interpretation welcome.

Proposal deadline: 11:59 p.m. Saturday, September 14th:

Questions: Collie Fulford at

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