Amanda Starling Gould received her B.A., summa cum laude, in French from Vanderbilt University. She received an M.A. in Electronic Publishing and Writing from Emerson College in 2010 receiving the Book Design Award and Boston Bookbuilders Scholarship for her final M.A. thesis book project Innovative Narrative Design. After teaching a year of Graduate Writing courses at Northeastern University, receiving a nomination for the Excellence in Teaching Award, in 2011, she was awarded a James B. Duke Fellowship to attend Duke University as a Ph.D. candidate in Literature. During her tenure at Duke, Gould was the recipient of the Franklin Humanities Institute Graduate Digital Scholarship Initiative Grant, the Andrew W. Mellon funded Humanities Writ Large Environmental Arts and Humanities Emerging Network Grant, and the Duke University Flipping the Classroom Faculty Fellowship grant. Gould graduated from Duke University in May of 2017 with a Ph.D. in Literature and a certificate in Information Science & Studies. In August of 2017, she was hired as the Project Coordinator / Digital Humanities Specialist for the Franklin Humanities Institute. She also now teaches “Green Certified” Environmental Humanities courses for the Duke Literature Department and sits on the Environment and Culture Working Group for Duke’s new Healthy Duke Initiative.
Amanda Starling Gould